Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Front Yard 2014

I'm going to have to go back onto my computer to see if I can find photos of what the front looked like before Billy started ripping it up, but it'll try describing a bit of it. About where we have the giant "M" there was an UGLY 3/4 dead hydrangea and I hate them, dead of not, I just think it's a stupid plant. Has no shape, blooms for like two days and then it just looks rotten. We think it mainly died because the way the previous owner shoveled snow off the deck. So billy went at it. 

The giant "M" was given to me by a girl friend for my birthday. She didn't realize just how big it was when she bought it online from Home Goods. It's made from steel too. I bet it was funny watching guys try to fit it in her tiny little car. 

Here billy got all fancy with his edge work. We found a bunch of bricks along side the driveway that just looked dumb and reused those. I think my husbands going to turn into a hoarder.he won't throw scraps away cause he thinks he can use them later... Also this is the first time I've ever really seen him be handy... But shhh don't tell him that! 

Looks real good though! His OCD kicks in hardcore and he'll be out here for hours making sure every brick is perfect. 

Fancy fancy. We added a solar powered spot light to it with makes it look pretty rad at night. 

Don't mind me, just taking a breather! 

And now... We must remove the lily's!!! I love lily's but... Not when they are this out of control.